Family Ties!
I have the good fortune of being included on e-mail between friends, families and such. Here's an excerpt from a family that takes care of their own. I found it especially interesting given my love for "Aaruh"
1) Brother Kent "Check it. I’m at the mall yesterday chillin at a bench while Sierra buys an Italian ice and this 30 yr old $%^$# goes up to her and starts trying to pick her up.
I reviewed my options, all of which included serious amounts of jail time, except one. I chilled and watched her. She was perturbed and somewhat timid. Later, we were fortunate enough to overhear the moron describing another female. I pointed out to Sierra the guy’s true nature. She was not impressed.
I now understand black on black crime.
Can I get a little help?"
2) Sister Lisa "I think you did the right thing by letting Sierra handle it herself, as long as the jerk didn’t touch her. She needs to learn how to handle herself in situation like that, cause this ain’t the first time, and sho as hell won’t be the last. Believe me, by the time she’s turns 15, she’ll have it down packed!! They’ll be running from her!"
3) Brother Todd "You are a much better man than I am. There would have been a "Special Bulletin" interupting the election news or the Iraq war, on how a man skinned alive, hanging upside down by his nuts, from a flagpole outside of the mall, with an italian icee jammed up his ass, got there.
Good going, Kent, I can obviously learn something from you. I hope Sierra values that lesson, fortunately for the guy, he got away with it (for that day)."
4) Brother Kent "When I said “help” , I meant like tupacs in the dark now Huey’s…., random, “I was with Angela, she’ll vouch for me”, planetary waste removal, put the weight of the world on him or at least six feet of it? Where ma bruddas at? Now THAT’S WHAT I’M TALKIN BOUT!!"
5)Sister Laurie "Kent, tell Sierra to NOT be afraid to protect herself. She can yell, kick, gouge, and after seeing Bourne Identity, get creative with what she can do with a ballpoint pen."
6) Brother Kent "Right, right! I’m thinkin’: 200lbs wannabe playapedophile + MY 13yr old daughter + overprotective psycho MAcGuyverDad = Fundraiser for immediate bail money! I’m trying to save Y’all money!! But who would convict babyface me? However,200lbs wannabepalyapedophile slips on three bullets and loses both hands in phreak accident saves court cost! ;) See? I’m trying to save taxpayer money too! That’s a win/win!"
7) Brother Gary "Kent I hope you took a picture of R. Kelly so we can add him to the hit list. F*ckers think that its the in thing to have a 13 year old strung out. I think its time to make some examples out of dumbasses."
8) Brother Todd "Hey G, past the dutchie to Frado! This is VERY simple."
Ok, see what I mean?
Peace and Hairgrease
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